Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Show (ACR) GEA in Birmingham
V březnu 2012 GEA představila své technologie pro chlazení a klimatizaci v průmyslových a komerčních budovách v Birminghamu ve Velké Británii.
GEA was represented at the show by two segments – GEA Refrigeration Technologies and GEA Heat Exchangers.

For the first time, GEA Refrigeration Components UK presented the newly acquired Bock range of piston compressors for small and medium capacities, specifically aimed at the commercial / semi-industrial refrigeration markets.
In addition to Bock compressors, GEA Refrigeration Components UK also presented industrial Grasso piston and screw compressors, Geneglace ice machines and a wide range of AWP valves and accessories.
The product program at the GEA booth was completed by an extensive range of GEA Searle condensers and condensing units as well as Küba standard air coolers and Goedhart customized air coolers by GEA Heat Exchangers.