MANN+HUMMEL presents bag filters with energy rating A+ and A
At the ISH trade fair in Frankfurt, MANN+HUMMEL presents a range of energy saving pocket filters in accordance with the new Eurovent energy rating.
The A+ rated Airpocket Eco ePM10 70 % is accompanied by the three A rated products Airpocket Pro ePM1 60 %, Airpocket Eco ePM10 50 % and Airpocket Eco ePM1 85 %. The Airpocket Eco filters are certified according to the Swedish P-marking system, which provides assurance of long-term performance with regard to the degree of separation.The new filters complement MANN+HUMMEL's range of air filters for air conditioning and ventilation systems for different filter classes and energy efficiency requirements.

MANN+HUMMEL is the leading global expert for filtration solutions. The company group with its headquarters in Ludwigsburg, Germany, develops solutions for motor cars, industrial applications, clean air in interior spaces and the sustainable use of water. In 2018 the group achieved sales of approx. 4 billion euros worldwide with more than 20,000 employees at more than 80 locations (preliminary figures). The products manufactured by the group include air cleaner systems, intake manifold systems, liquid filter systems, plastic components, filter media, cabin filters, industrial filters and membrane filters.