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Ing. Jindřich Boháč, Ing. Roman Vavřička, Ph.D.

The paper focuses on the analysis and experimental comparison of operating characteristics of various types of radiators. The first part contains a brief search of radiators available on the Czech market. The following is the theoretical analysis of the thermal inertia of the selected objects, both in the phase of start-up and cooling-down. This analysis serves as a basis for evaluating operating performance. Additional consideration by the parameters of the radiator in this study are the geometrical characteristics (the criterion of the space occupied by the dimensions of the body and the size of the transfer surface on the air side), the weight criterion (radiators without heating fluid) volume criterion (heat-carrying substance in the body). Each of the above criteria is related to nominal thermal output.

Ing. Zdeněk Lyčka, APTT

The article explains the differences between the invention patents and utility model from the perspective of Czech legislation. Also highlights the confusion individual categories and purposeful fraud by producers and sellers of equipment.

Ing. Miroslav Kučera, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí, Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

The paper presents an example of solving the propagation of noise from an air/water heat pump installed in the basement of an apartment building. Air intake and exhaust are brought out on the façade of the building, where it is calculated the noise situation in the protected exterior of the building. In the interior it is solved the propagation of sound from the plant room to the protected interior space. In conclusion, the results are compared with the data from the report on measurement at the realized work.

prof. Ing. Karel Kabele, CSc., Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D.

The article describes the impact of the contemporary and future legislative requirements for new buildings in terms of their conception and utilization of renewable resources. Soon, the requirement of quality standard is going to be effective in the Czech Republic that is called building with nearly zero energy consumption. That quality standard is defined at national level by legal regulations based on the requirement of European standard. On examples of family house, residential house and administration building, the impact of the to-be-established requirements for building conception is being demonstrated from the construction as well as the technical systems' point of view. With the existing development trend maintained it can be expected that a building with nearly zero energy consumption will have, comparing to an existing building, a better quality building shell, technical systems working with high efficiency and potentially may but needn't be, partially supplied by renewable energy resources.

Ing. Martin Kny, Ph.D., České vysoké učení technické v Praze, UCEEB, ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov

Paper evaluates the distribution of air temperature in residential room using a central system of ventilation. Depending on the position of the feeder element for fresh air is evaluated by several variations of the system. The presented results are output from the CFD simulation from ANSYS Fluent.

Ing. František Bálint, Camfil s.r.o., Levice, Slovensko

Although the WHO and the EU monitor PM2.5 a PM10 particles, PM1 particles have the smallest and most harmful fraction.

doc. Ing. Vladimír Zmrhal, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí

The paper briefly surveys the history of ventilation requirements of schools, reflects on the current wording of the legislation that have a direct relationship to the the issue and carefully looks out for future legislation.

MUDr. Ariana Lajčíková, CSc.

People spend the majority of their life indoors – in houses and flats. While outdoors the pollutants are diluted by mass of the air, indoors after installation of new tight windows and thermal insulation of facade this danger increases. Very important pollutant – dangerous to life – is radon in the air. This gas, penetrating into houses mainly from the subsoil, is un important cause of lung cancer. The Czech Republic is the country with the highest average concentration of radon in flats in Europe. The average level in our country is 120 Bq/m3, while in 30 % of population were found higher levels, sometimes even several thousands of Bq. Each year, 5,600 peoples hear a diagnosis of lung cancer. 16% of diseases is from radon and decay products and ionizing radiation
At present, after the Resolution of the Czech Government the third period of the Radon program is in progress. In this program I am the deputy of the Czech Ministry of Health. In my information I would like to point your attention to this important risk and to the health protection necessity. Sufficient ventilation of buildings is the essential.

Ing. Tomáš Adamec, Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D.

The paper is focused on the energy needs for preservation of food in retail food stores, which means cooling and freezing of food. The first part of the article is devoted to the issue of cold appliances in supermarkets, which include refrigeration and freezer boxes and furniture for distribution and sales. The second part of the article is based on the calculation of a refrigeration load and cooling demand for case study of a reference retail food store. The article aims to highlight the issue of energy need for preservation of food and defining of approach for design of general food refrigeration equipment of reference retail food store and to create conditions to establish energy-saving measures.

Ing. Tomáš Adamec, Ing. Miroslav Urban, Ph.D.

The paper is focused on the energy needs for preservation of food in retail food stores, which means cooling and freezing of food. The first part of the article is devoted to the issue of cold appliances in supermarkets, which include refrigeration and freezer boxes and furniture for distribution and sales. The second part of the article is based on the calculation of a refrigeration load and cooling demand for case study of a reference retail food store. The article aims to highlight the issue of energy need for preservation of food and defining of approach for design of general food refrigeration equipment of reference retail food store and to create conditions to establish energy-saving measures.

Ing. Pavel Vybíral, Ph.D., Fakulta strojní ČVUT, Ústav techniky prostředí

Highest filtration class is recommended to customers living in places with stronger air pollution, regardless it's higher price and higher energy intensity due to higher pressure losses of more effective filters.

Ing. Pavel Vybíral, Ph.D., Fakulta strojní ČVUT, Ústav techniky prostředí

Air filtration is basic operation for indoor air environment protection against solid and liquid pollutants. Beside human and natural activity pollutants there are bacterias, viruses and mildews.

Ing. Vladimíra Linhartová, OSVČ

The pond loop geothermal refrigeration system at the Janesville Ice Arena uses an adjacent pond as a thermal storage. The most interesting in the ice arena is the main source for ice refrigeration, the water-source heat pumps and their condenser a city-owned pond that is adjacent to the building. Refrigeration heat is used for snow melt pit, ice resurfacing water preheat and underfloor heating.

Ing. Zbyněk Děckuláček

This article documents the evaluation of internal microclimate (IM) cinema air-conditioning (HVAC). The primary method is an experimental monitory approach, which constitutes a secondary simulation solution. Monitoring is the application of the intelligent system which consist of many individual functual components. The monitoring results indicate the real state of IM. In the monitoring period its output enables its correct function with a comparison and a verification simulation. The simulation solution in the software enables a prognosis of the IM for random peripheral and operating conditions.

Ing. Karel Matějíček, Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

The author presents to professional community a broad experience, which he has acquired over the past decades during his work in the field of environmental engineering as a designer, implementer, systems operator and later also as a consultant. He informs the readers of his paper in the form of a personal message about the measures that he took based on his long time experience in order to improve current air-conditioning devices. The first part of the paper discusses practical experience with use of induction diffusers for air distribution in rooms. It concerns the experience with installation of induction units in window sills and discusses how does the location of the intake opening of secondary (induced) air in the front of the sill influences the air quality in the room. In the second part are described atypical installations of nozzles/jets arrays in suspended ceilings and partition walls, with possibility to quantitatively regulate the supply air volume according to the temperature and CO2 concentration in the room. These installation are suitable for „draught-free“ removal of bigger heat loads from heat sources scattered in the space, which cannot be ventilated locally and which are constantly operated. In the third part is described experience from dealing with problems concerning ceiling diffusers.

Ing. Zdeněk Vafek, Dräger Safety s.r.o., Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace

The article describes properties of carbon dioxide and the possibilities of its measurement. It provides a basic overview of available measuring techniques. Measuring principles and sensor types are described in more detail, with respect to their use in various applications.

Časopis Vytápění, větrání, instalace, Ing. Miloš Lain, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí, Ing. Martin Barták, Ph.D., doc. Ing. Tomáš Matuška, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov, Ing. Bořivoj Šourek, Ph.D., Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov, ČVUT v Praze

The article deals with energy simulations used for design support of a new large administrative building of a bank. The presented simulations had a major influence on the design of the air-conditioning system and sources of cold and heat for ensuring the required indoor environment parameters.

Chladicí rozvody izolované syntetickým kaučukem, foto autor
Ing. Vít Koverdynský, Ph.D., Saint-Gobain Construction Products CZ a.s., Isover

We calculate insulation thickness in accordance with the criterion of maximum heat loss and monitor unwanted warming or cooling media and maintain the required temperature.

Martin Jindrák

In most cases reconstructed education buildings in the Czech Republic do not meet conditions for ventilation and therefore they are not suitable for children. The ventilation requirements could be met with an installation of heat recovery ventilation system. With this system the education buildings would have lower heating demand, better indoor environment like for example lower relative humidity, lower concentration of CO2 and better mold protection of the walls. Better indoor air quality helps students and teachers to increase their performance and attention and also reduce diseases.
The kindergarten “U DUBU” uses experiences from previous realizations (of apartment buildings and primary schools) during which heat recovery system ventilation have been installed. With its flat roof, the kindergarten “U DUBU” is a typical example of kindergarten in the Czech Republic. This example is possible to apply in the future. Well done building insulation and proper technical equipment create good indoor conditions for long-term presence of users.

Ing. Olga Rubinová, Ph.D., Ing. Marcela Počinková, Ph.D., Ing. Pavel Raputa

Radiators as well as other technical equipment in buildings, and generally any equipment in a building, require occasional maintenance and cleaning. While on the surfaces of floor, furniture, windows, doors, hygienic facilities, etc. there is usually held regular cleaning, elements of heating systems, including the end elements in the interior, are often neglected. The aim of this work is to familiarize with the results of measurements carried out within the framework of experiments focused on microbial load of different constructional designed radiators located both in public buildings and private homes.

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