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Archiv článků od 8.7.2013 do 31.3.2014

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Ing. Tomáš Kmoch

This paper informs reader with valid legislation and methodology verifications air-conditioner and fire breather systems, which is valid in Czech republic. Paper is intended not only for reader, who deal with installation these systems, but also for user air conditioning e.g. in shopping centres, office buildings, residential complexs etc.

Air house - solar decathlon
Ing. Antonín Lupíšek, Ing. Pavel Nechanický, Ing. Kateřina Sojková, Ing. Ondřej Surý, Ing. Martin Volf, Ing. Michal Marek, prof. Ing. Jan Tywoniak, CSc.

In October 2013 in Orange County Great Park in city of Irvine, California, took place the sixth edition of the prestigious international competition of universities U.S. Solar Decathlon 2013. This round took part also Team Czech Republic from the Czech Technical University in Prague, which finished at overall third place. The article describes in detail building services used in the AIR House.

Ing. Ilona Šimoníková

The first part of the series focused on explosion protection, describes the measures of primary explosion protection which means preventing of explosive atmosphere occurance. This kind of protection includes preventing the formation of explosive atmosphere by exclusion of flammable substance or oxidising medium. The article further describes the options of inerting technology with an explosive atmosphere and other possible measures.

Větrací potrubí
W. F. de Gids, prof. Ing. Miroslav Jícha, CSc.

For the near future the expectation of experts is that the most promising systems will be based on demand-controlled hybrid ventilation technologies. Hybrid ventilation systems can be described as systems providing a comfortable internal enviroment using different features of both natural ventilation and mechanical systems at different times of the day or season of the year.

W. F. de Gids, prof. Ing. Miroslav Jícha, CSc.

For the near future the expectation of experts is that the most promising systems will be based on demand-controlled hybrid ventilation technologies. Hybrid ventilation systems can be described as systems providing a comfortable internal enviroment using different features of both natural ventilation and mechanical systems at different times of the day or season of the year.

W. F. de Gids, prof. Ing. Miroslav Jícha, CSc.

For the near future the expectation of experts is that the most promising systems will be based on demand-controlled hybrid ventilation technologies. Hybrid ventilation systems can be described as systems providing a comfortable internal enviroment using different features of both natural ventilation and mechanical systems at different times of the day or season of the year.

Petr Balvín, specialista na likvidaci azbestu

Asbestos is often mentioned in connection with the construction industry, especially with the school buildings. Wrong way of asbestos removal meant a multimillion cost of cleaning the property. Unfortunately, these cases do not cause a change in legislation that would regulate working with asbestos.

plynový kotel
Ing. Vladimír Valenta

For the operation of the gas boilers is necessary to ensure the supply of combustion air, and in the boiler room need to guarantee adequate ventilation. Here will be presented formulas for the design of the flow of combustion and ventilation air for the gas boilers type B and for the coal boilers.

Ing. Jan Vidim

Passive temperature sensors are the first choice in building control systems. They are cheap and easy to install thanks to their polarity independence, compared to active sensors with voltage or current output. However, deployment of passive sensor may lead to problems, which – and debugging of which – are dealt in the following article.

Podlaha z PVC
RNDr. Jindřich Petrlík, Mgr. Jiří Kristian

Recently, healthiness of the indoor space of buildings has been discussed more and more often. One of the points of view has been also presence of toxic substances, released into the indoor space from materials used for construction and design of the rooms, and from furniture. The most questionable materials include certain plastics, and, among them, especially polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Among other things, phthalates (used as plasticizers for PVC) may be released from this plastic. The Arnika Association commissioned analyses of 5 samples of floorings and 3 samples of wallpapers made of soft PVC. Phthalates were found in all the samples, in the range from 4.85 to 17.03 % of the product weight. In two of the samples, di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) was used as the plasticizer. DEHP will be banned in the European Union from 2015, together with 3 further phthalates. The remaining samples contained di-isononyl phthalate (DINP) and di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP). These phthalates will not be banned, but they are also questionable from the point of view of health impacts. Four years ago, the Arnika Association took also samples of dust inside various buildings. Phthalates were found in all of them. The highest phthalate concentration was found in dust from a school dining room with flooring made of PVC. Presence of certain phthalates in dust is risky especially for young children. Phthalates are related to allergies (BBP, DEHP, and DINP) and asthma development (DEHP) in children.

Jerzy Sowa, Maciej Mijakowski, Aleksander Panek

Comparison of primary energy use for reference apartment building equipped with three different ventilation systems (two reference and one evaluated) showed that the use of a hybrid system DCV controlled - if needed - due to moisture leads to significant energy savings.

Ing. Ondřej Jelínek, Ing. Lucie Vendlová, Ing. Petr Blasinsky, doc. Ing. Aleš Rubina, Ph.D.

Article presents the results of expert authors work to address the critical situation associated with a negative opinion of the authority concerned czech KHS and impending ban trial operation structures associated with adverse acoustic impacts of construction traffic on the surrounding buildings object. Technical modifications and methods to prevent the reported results were described in Article Equivalent sound pressure level outside space in practice. Text contains the results of measuring the noise level around buildings and not just before and after the implementation of modifications to reduce the acoustic parameters, but also the results of control measurements on site and in the surrounding area. The purpose of this article is to assess the contribution made arrangements for acoustic comfort.

Ing. Jiří Frýba

Operational guidelines contain instructions for the behavior of workers in a variety of operational and emergency situations, clarify reporting lines and defines the personal responsibility of individual employees. Operating rules contain instructions for the operating individual units and maintenance instructions.

studie srovnání chladicí trámy a fan-coil jednotky
Filipe Ventura, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugalsko

The present study describes the methodology used for the determination of carbon emissions from HVAC systems in order to assess possible options for greener systems. Simple tools were developed and applied for this purpose [1] and a case study was performed on an inpatient ward of an hospital building located in Faro, Portugal, being considered fan coils and chilled beams as terminal units.

ventilátory na střeše
Ing. Ondřej Jelínek, doc. Ing. Aleš Rubina, Ph.D, Ing. Petr Blasinski

Various elements of HVAC equipment in their function generates unwanted noise that is causing customer complaints even if prescribed microclimate is provided. In addition the use of active elements attenuation applied directly to the ventilation can also use passive elements.

Ing. Miloš Lain , Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí

The article is based on the Milos Lain presentation for Janka Company in 2013. The current standards in the ventilation rate based on Czech legislation from 2012 2013 are presented in the paper. Comparison to EU and ASHRAE standards is in the paper as well. New Czech legislation about inspection of AC systems is mentioned in the last part.

Ing. Jan Vidim, Domat Control System s.r.o.

The design and installation of building automation systems constitutes one of the essential parts of the system input peripherals - Sensor environmental variables. Market with sensors of environmental parameters in buildings, in comparison with the sensors industry some specific characteristics.

Ing. Jiří Buchta, CSc., předseda sekce plyn ČSTZ soudní znalec - technické obory různé se specializací plynové zařízení (topné a technické plyny), CTI ČR

In practice we constantly fix difficulties in applying the conditions for the correct placement of appliances category B, that take away combustion air from the sorrounding of the appliance and the flue gas is removed through the flue and chimney above the roof. It is important to mention that this category of appliance participates most in flue gas poisoning including poisoning with fatal aftermath, occurring in tens of cases in the Czech Republic for the year. It is caused by the incorrect application of regulatory requirements, ie in particular the TPG 704 01.

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