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Větrání a klimatizace
Archiv článků od 11.6.2012 do 26.11.2012

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Přetlakové větrání chráněných únikových cest
Ing. Jana Elstnerová

The article informs about why and how to solve pressurization of protected emergency exits (hereinafter also referred to as the abbreviation of CHÚC). Design of protected escape route with permissible concentration of carbon monoxide only is not today's reality. Other toxic combustion products such as hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, hydrogen halides, oxides of nitrogen and other even at low concentrations make it difficult to escape from the danger area. For this reason, the standard EN 12101-6 for ventilation of protected escape routes does not deal with the dilution of smoke, but establishes criteria for maintaining of protected escape routes free from smoke.

Bazénová vzduchotechnika
doc. Ing. Aleš Rubina, Ph.D., Ing. Vít Měrka

The article deals with the current practical problems associated with the swiming pool hall design issues and implementation of air conditioning systems. Describes the key causes of adverse conditions of internal microclimate. Points to the irreplaceable cooperation mutually cooperating professions, especially with regard to measurement and control of HVAC systems. Here, the article points out the lack of monitoring during the real operation of equipment, including quantification of actual operating costs. These are closely associated with a primary HVAC equipment design itself - pool unit. Its amenities, structure, designed air treatment and subsequent control with regard to the real operating conditions are a determining factor in the effective design and operation. Case studies are compared to alternative solutions and that "as we used to" and "with the active measurement and control system combined with advanced design methods."

Ing. Michaela Horáčková, Ing. David Bečkovský, Ph.D.

Series of articles discusses the way of determination of setting the limits of the building envelope air-tightness and its influence on the total value of air permeability, and analyzes the influence of including the elements inside the building to the total value of air permeability. Analysis included 6 experimental houses and proofed the influence of calculated border of building envelope and above all the influence of inside elements like furniture or inside structures.

Ing. Tomáš Kmoch

The paper introduces the characteristics, whitch are needed for examination of microclimate conditions in inside environment and further describes methodology, techniques and ways of measurement inside environment characteristics with emphasis on determination organism thermal comfort . In second part it introduces measuring instruments, whitch are, for this measurement, suitable. In the Czech Republic several act and publication are valid, whitch regulate and determinates quality of inside environment. These valid regulations are also introduced in this paper, including tables with requisite numeral statements of monitored (measured) parameters.

Ing. Michaela Horáčková, Ing. David Bečkovský, Ph.D.

Series of articles discusses the way of determination of setting the limits of the building envelope air-tightness and its influence on the total value of air permeability, and analyzes the influence of including the elements inside the building to the total value of air permeability. Analysis included 6 experimental houses and proofed the influence of calculated border of building envelope and above all the influence of inside elements like furniture or inside structures.

Ing. Michaela Horáčková, Ing. David Bečkovský, Ph.D.

Series of articles discusses the calculation way of setting limits the building envelope air-tightness and its influence on the total value of air permeability, and analyzes the influence of counting the elements the internal volume of building inside to the total value of air permeability. The analysis was carried out under a university qualification work on a set of six experimental houses and in some cases demonstrated to influence the total value of air permeability as calculated boundary envelope air-tightness and especially elements within measured volume of space such as furniture, interior design or lining holes.

Ing. Jaroslav Dufek

Components and systems for general and fire building ventilation, their safe and reliable function significantly affect the fire safety of the building. The aim of this paper is to inform about the current state of legal and technical regulations that must be followed when placing the products on the market and its building in in the Czech Republic.

hybridní solární kolektor
Ing. Luboš Buchta, ČVUT

The article presents the current state of the issue of flat hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (FVT) collectors, focused on the differences between the basic types of collectors, their advantages and disadvantages. There is also presented an overview of the current global manufacturers. The article aims to highlight the problems but also the opportunities associated with different types of the hybrid FVT collectors.

Ing. David Bečkovský, Ph.D.

This paper deals with the impact of using phase change materials (PCM) in light building constructions. It describes how these materials react during the whole year, how they impact the summer temperature stability of a room and how they react in the transtition period and in the heating period. Measuring was carried out in the experimental and reference room in the attic of the Institute of Building Structures. The layout of these identical rooms enables to compare the measured values. The measuring of the indoor climate which had been carried out during the whole year in the reference and experimental room was analysed. The analysis was used to create the basic methodological procedure for using PCM in light building constructions. These materials proved to be efficient in the summer time. During the heating period the power consumption was monitored in relation to the application of the phase change materials.

Ing. Miloš Lain, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí

In this paper is given basic information about inspections of air conditioning systems, according to the current valid Czech legislation. This article also outlines the proper procedure for inspection and discusses the approach of some investors. In the conclusion, it describes some upcoming changes to legislation.

Ing. Jozef Bugáň

Nowadays there is emphasis on energy savings and utilization of renewable energy sources. Therefore, proper selection and design of the heating / cooling system, which should be also able to provide favourable condition of the thermal environment – thermal comfort, is very important.In this article construction systems, compositions and possible solutions of low temperature floor heating / high temperature ceiling cooling are presented.

Ing. Jan Žemlička, Ing. Miloš Lain, Ph.D.

The paper gives an overview of the National Technical Library building in Prague. The paper describes the architectural design, ventilation and air conditioning system of the building. It is also mentioned computer simulation and monitoring of the building.

Ing. Vít Havlů, doc. Ing. Martin Pexa, Ph.D., Ing. Zdeněk Aleš, Ph.D.

This article is focused on plan optimization issues of preventive maintenance based on risk assessment. The aim is to propose a cohesive system layout which involves the maintenance optimisation as a whole and achieve better results compare to simple applying the individual methods. This system is divided into five fundamental phases which are consequently following one after another and guarantee the order and structure of the process. Every phase consist of individual sections which thoroughly describe particular execution and procedures. The proposed system should help readers to obtain sufficient information in order to understand the different parts of the system and enable them to make their own opinion on synergy of systematic methodology which deals with optimization of maintenance. All these aspects are very important in practice due to the complexity of most ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems.

Ing. Vladimír Zmrhal, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí

The paper presents the current situation in the field of the ventilation and air conditioning standardization. At the beginning of the article the structure of activities in the development of standards and the principle of acceptance of European standards for use in the country are explained. The article presents an overview of the applicable standards for the ventilation and air conditioning. Some important standards are accompanied by brief commentary. In the conclusion the current standards are listed ready to take over in 2012 and a list of standards in the ISO system expected for inclusion in the near future.

Ing. Robert Trojan, Ing. Libor Komárek

The topic of this report describes the FCU´s utilization for purpose of defined air-conditioning regarding up-to-date design trends as well as the utilization of the EC motors lowering energy intensity.

Celkové chladicí faktory klimatizačních systémů a jejich zlepšování © Stanislav Komogorov -
Ing. Miloš Lain, Ph.D., ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta strojní, Ústav techniky prostředí

The author specifies the total cooling factor (COP) analysis of the air conditioning system in his contribution. The total cooling factor includes the specific energy demand of the cold source as well energy demands of fans and pumps that have been the part of the air conditioning system and ensure the heat load exhaustion from the required building area. The total cooling factor (COP) is one of important indicators of economy during the air conditioning equipment operation. The contribution includes the total cooling factor of the air conditioning system in two buildings in addition to the theoretic analysis the results of which have been analyzed.

Ing. Bronislav Bechník, Ph.D.

Environmental economists conference EAERE 2012 continued by the second day of lectures. Plenary Keynote Lecture named Integrated Assessment Modeling in Economics and Climate Change was held by prof. William D. Nordhaus from Yale University, USA. The lecture was followed by Plenary Panel Session on Rio +20 conference.

podlahové vytápění
Ing. Jozef Bugáň

Nowadays there is emphasis on energy savings and utilization of renewable energy sources. Therefore, proper selection and design of the heating / cooling system, which should be also able to provide favourable condition of the thermal environment – thermal comfort, is very important.In this article construction systems, compositions and possible solutions of low temperature floor heating / high temperature ceiling cooling are presented.

Ing. Petr Blasinski, doc. Ing. Aleš Rubina, Ph.D

This article presents monitoring of internal heat-humidity microclimate in the bathroom of a typical family house. The text presents the results of measurement confronted with the requirements of current legislation. Temperature and humidity are the basic components of internal microclimate and as such contribute significantly to indoor air quality in residential and civic buildings. If the measured room bathrooms, whose character says that it will lead to significant gains water is then necessary to pay attention to the humidity. This may be their high value negatively affect the health of users indirectly by creating conditions for development of microorganisms and fungi. High humidity also has influence on some structures, the sensitivity to this aspect of the microclimate of a variant of the materials vary. The text presents the results of measurements which took place from 19.02.2011 to 06.14.2011.

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